Chick Lit Chick

Jennifer Lancaster’s New Book? Finally here!

Posted on: May 10, 2009

PIPI have been counting the days and it is finally here!!  As I usually do with my favorite authors, I had calendared the release date for Jennifer Lancaster’s new book, Pretty in Plaid: A Life, a Witch, and a Wardrobe, or, the Wonder Years Before the Condescending,Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smart Ass Phase and I was at Border’s when it opened.  I read the first couple pages before going into my office and it was all I could do not to call in sick and stay home reading all day. 

I haven’t finished it yet, because I am reading four other books as well, but I should finish it up tomorrow.  So far, so good!  Jennifer Lancaster is hilarious and brings back numerous disturbing fashion flashbacks from the ’80’s.  And for those of us whose painful, formative years took place in the ’80’s, it is a relief to know that everyone was making the same bad fashion choices back then.  Why exactly did our hair need to be that big?!?!

I consider this Chick Lit, basically because I like it and it is funny.  But it is, in fact, a memoir.  Can memoirs be Chick Lit too?

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